Monday, April 21, 2014 ghd ghd rbn631

ghd nz sale Probably never understand. Childhood, often longing prince and princess, the prince and Cinderella, proud that he is the princess, the prince destined to have, one day, the prince and princess met, it will be like a fairy tale is so successful. Grow up, to know, ghd not a princess, nor is Cinderella, no prince in waiting ghd. ghd Liked, and to know that love is not a fairy tale, but an adventure. Wake up just a fairy tale, but fell in love with fantasy. Love is to have this magic.

She found a window seat, and so on for a while, the car did not start, she was bored with your fingers wiping fog on the windows, she suddenly found a familiar figure came from a distance, such as ghd hair straighteners more to go the closer, Lin Hitomi Hitomi nervous heart ache, the car started running, ghd and farther away from her, Hitomi Hitomi looked lonely forest disappearing back to see their own reflection in the window, tears. Time flies, or ghd ghd, she was her, but never come back. The car is far more lines ghd figure gradually invisible.

ghd Eventually be missed, she missed is that time and he was then she remembered the land themselves. And now, four years left blank. The car stopped, forest pupil pupil toward the train station, stop at the moment, I'm walking and crying pupil pupil, despite the strange eyes of others, she decided to forget that, despite her dismay. But, ghd no longer a teenager, he had in his direction, she had her direction, ghd already begun their journey, So this is once missed, they never come back.


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